Social Media Policy

Levin Golf Club Inc. uses social media platforms to communicate our passion for Golf with members and prospective visitors to the club. Our aspiration is to be enthusiastic, honest, clear, respectful, and responsible in publishing information on these platforms.

We acknowledge that people interacting with our social media platforms have diverse customs, values and viewpoints. We value that diversity and do not allow content that is offensive, demeaning, abusive or inappropriate, whether intentional or not. We do not allow content that is discriminatory based on race, age, gender, gender expression, gender identity, sex characteristics or intersex status, disability, or religion. We discourage any discussion of politics unless it is very specific to golf. We encourage honest feedback about your experiences at the club, but expect these to be respectful. Complaints about any experience you have had with the club are best made directly to the club, and comments we consider disrespectful to the honest efforts of our staff and volunteers will be deleted.

Repeated breaches of our policy by visitors will result in those visitors being blocked from accessing or commenting on our social media sites.

We allow open commenting on content we post, but reserve the right to remove comments and other content that breaches the values listed above. By commenting or interacting with our content, you agree that the Levin Golf Club Inc.:

  1. Is not responsible for content posted on our sites other than by our official account, does not and cannot employ staff to monitor such content, and can only make best efforts to remove offensive content once it has been formally notified; and
  2. has the absolute right to remove, without explanation, content that breaches our standards.

If you see content posted on behalf of Levin Golf Club Inc. that causes you offence, you are encouraged to report your complaint directly to the club.