
Mailing List

We email information about upcoming tournaments to our email list.

You can opt-in to receive emails from us by filling out this form.

You can ask to be removed from the mailing list by filling out this form.

2023 Season

From 2023, the club is not producing a program book.  Major (open) events that we are already aware of are in the calendar below.  Please scroll down for a summary of upcoming events, including online entry forms and links to other details.

Members and visitors are free to join us at regular haggles. See the list of our playing groups for details.

The members' calendar is available here. We regret that due to misuse of our public information, you are now required to logon with your identity to see the member's calendar.

Key Dates for your diary:


Date Event with Link to More Information  Entry Form and Other Information
Sunday 18th June 50:50 2 person Ambrose Tournament Flyer
Online entry form
Friday 14th July Matariki Tournament Details coming soon

What Happened To?

Junior Coaching? Junior Coaching is under review.  We do intend to restart this program, we will post on Facebook and our website when a decision has been made.