Complaints Policy

Complaints by members and invited visitors (golfers paying a green fee and visitors using Park Over Property) may address any complaints (in writing) to the Board Chair care of the office at the club.

Complaints by members of the public are only accepted in writing and delivered by postal mail to the club mailing address.  Levin Golf Club accepts no responsibility for complaints that cannot be proven to have been received by the club. We recommend using signature required postal or courier delivery.

Vexatious and Serial Complaints

Levin Golf Club Inc. may designate a complainant as serial and vexatious if they make multiple complaints that are not upheld by the complaints process, or refuse to accept the process outcome multiple times.  A complainant who has submitted more than 3 complaints not upheld in a calendar year will be declared vexatious without notice.  Subsequent complaints will be filed but no action will be taken by the club.